Health Benefits of High Bush Blueberries-Nancy,s Fancy Berries Hello from Nancy’s fancy blueberries in Beautiful Upper Rawdon Hants County NS. Come and have fun with us picking high bush blueberries .
There are many great health benefits to be found in high bush blueberries .
High bush blueberries have 3.6 grams of dietary fiber and just one cup will give your recommended daily intake of fiber.
High bush blueberries are a great low calorie snack with only 80 calories per 1 cup.
High bush blueberries contain two carbohydrates: naturally occurring sugar and 3.6 grams of fiber.
High bush blueberries contain vitamins C and K and Manganese that our body uses as well.
Put all these health benefits into 1 cup of high bush blueberries and it is a win/win for everyone.
Reap the benefits today and every day all year round and you will be glad you did.